In "Obituaries of the Future"

Hey, Nosey. Why the long face? HA HA HA HA HA!

In "Your favorite cereal is now even more Devilishly Delicious!"


In "Drinkometer 2"

This link SUCKS and the person what posted it is a dick.

In "Neologistastic!"

YOu've killed the thread, you stupid asshole!!!

In "Poove Penguins"

Shut your mouth, tosspot!

Up yours, drubky!!!

In "The Earthquake Machine."

Cults Everywhere? That's quite a good name for a MoFi handle. Pity it's taken, eh, readers?

In "Victor Yushchenko was NOT poisoned"

"Now I understand why Nostrildamus is so so hot-headed. His tinfoil hat is making his tiny brain cook." Yeah! That's right, girl! He's so stupid. And I bet he has, like, cooties, too! Tee hee hee!

Yeah, Nostrildamus, you suck!!! And this post sucks!

In "They bought my name for the movies!"

NO!! I am Steve Zissou and so is my wife!

In "The Soviet Exploration of Venus"

Woweee! That's the greatest! You rock, you fat bastard!

In "Hardee's is introducing a new burger with 1,420 calories and 107 grams of fat."

As long as it kills lots of Americans, I don't care.


Human beings! What stupidity. What blind, cruel stupidity. Back to the 19th century (again) for the US! War, repression, economic chaos & social intolerance! Lets all drink a toast to atavism! Backwards. A huge step backwards. Why? Why so stupid? There will never be peace and there will never be tolerance. Just pipe dreams. Face it. If it couldn't be achieved now, facing such a crew as these repugnant monsters, so obvious in their mendacity & corruption, then it never will be. Evil might as well be worn openly, for all that it seems to matter. And these blundering oafs who have barely broken back into office, will go on being incompetent, abusing power, lusting wealth, and wasting lives. And the lives will be American. Good thing too! Let's hope it's the stupid ones. It'll be easy to find them, they're roughly half the population. The joke is, America is the human race writ large. We're all exactly the fucking same, and that's the real kick in the guts. Well, that's it for me, I'm not with you any more. You can go on, alone. I'll sit back and watch, bitter, angry that this race I was born into is such a wretched bunch, all, everywhere, just the same yet hating one another as strangers. I'll carry on wasting my time until it's my day to shuffle off, and I'll be glad of it, and not waste a care, cos not a single soul is worth such heartache. Death. Death to the whole human race. Let's be erased. Nothing worthy here. We shame the apes with our monstrous ignorance and blundering superstition. Fuck you all. Fuck you all. Death to the whole fucking lot of you, and me as well, cos I'm no bloody different. The masses, each generation the same, drooling maws gaping, arms stretched up to the bloated, bloviating face of some new ranting alpha male, repeating again and again through history without sense or purpose or self-awareness. Not a glimmer of realisation. A boot stamping on a human face, upon the earth, upon the living things, upon everything in contempt of all nature, that is what we are; that's the meaning of today's events. This decides my fate, and yours. Madness and terror. Let it reign. Bring it on. Go fuck yourselves. Major league assholes. Death, death, kill, kill, hate, hate. My mind a searchlight of white intense contempt spewing out over everything. Come cloud my consciousness in sweet nectar, opium, alcohol, madness. I can't endure this purgatory sane-sober.


Fucking Americans. To hell with the lot of you. You deserve all you get.

In "Bin Laden: Americans are screwed and they know it..."

Well, yes & no. We were discussing it already in this thread.

In "Leave it to Bush #2"

Just stop talking about weed. If I think about it, it makes me crave it. If I just ignore it, I don't crave it. Please stop talking about it!

In "Controversial filmmaker Theo van Gogh shot and stabbed to death"

Bodyguards would have been better than nothing. There is no absolute preventative. Anyway, which Kennedy? The Secret Service in Dallas were a tad lax, shall we say. There were lots of mistakes made that day. The shenanigans in the Ambassador Hotel service area were equally confusing. Neither of these really relate to the van Gogh murder; he was not so high profile nor surrounded by multitudes. He could have been protected by a bodyguard. Either way.. it's dreadful.

In "Curious George: .wav cutter?"

Well, Audacity is fine, but you can get Goldwave on a limited trial & it is a quality piece of software. It won't introduce artifacts into your files, or nasty clipping.

In "Controversial filmmaker Theo van Gogh shot and stabbed to death"

"..murderer was wearing a traditional arab jalaba.." Sounds very suss. A frame-up? But Amsterdam can be rough. He should have gotten himself a bodyguard.

In "The Pitcairns are one of the most isolated settlements in the world."

Basically seems to be a 'tribal' cultural influence in Pitcairn society. The 'head men' took what they wanted, as their due, more than anything else. Pitcairn women have said that a culture of sexual assault has always existed there.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)